Talent Assessments - People Strategists

Talent Assessments

“You cannot manage what you cannot measure, whether People, Teams or Organization Culture.”

AssessNxT - “Bringing science to the art of Assessments.”

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Professionals Assessed


        Leaders assessed  

We help you to assess for-

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • Learning and Development

Leadership Development

Hi-Po identification

  • Succession Planning

  • Employee Engagement

  • Organization climate and culture Diagnosis

How do we differentiate ourselves?

1. We are backed by 120+ years of cumulative talent management practice within our Leadership Team.

2. We have expertise in the entire value chain of Talent Assessments.

3. We also understand that thriving in a Leadership position requires the right mix of competencies, traits, drivers, experiences, and cognitive abilities.

4. Talent works in the larger context of culture of teams and the organization.

5.    PS leadership competency frameworks provide a common language of talent.

6.    We support you at every stage of stage of the talent journey, from predicting       leadership potential to testing immediate readiness for the current role.

7.    We integrate various assessment data to give you rich, holistic insights.

Types of assessment solutions we help you with-

  • Personality

Cognitive ability

  • 360 Multi-raters

    • Team and Group Assessments

    • Assessment & Development Centers.

    • Culture Assessments

To know more about our assessment solutions

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